Licence and Pricing Conditions
Licence conditions and copyright breaches
For Category A, B and C use, the NFSA grants a non-exclusive, non-theatric licence which grants the right to screen the program for educational or internal organisation use. Customers who purchase programs at the Category A, B, C or Home Viewer price do not have public performance rights to the program. Public performance is defined as any publicly advertised screening to a paying or non-paying audience.
Programs may only be used for purposes indicated by the purchase price paid. Programs may not be edited, duplicated, broadcast, transmitted by cable or otherwise transmitted by any multi-receiver, open or closed circuit system, whether or not admission is charged, without prior written permission from the NFSA. Any contravention of these restrictions may be regarded as a breach of copyright and may lead to prosecution.
For all other uses please contact the NFSA.
Digital File Prices
Digital file prices listed below.
Primary schools, youth centres, migrant and indigenous resource centres, community groups, local film societies |
Secondary schools, TAFE and vocational education colleges, local government, community health centres, hospital, welfare organisations |
Universities, business, training organisations, museums, art galleries, government departments, ACOFS state offices |
For home viewing |
Up to 70 minutes |
$55.00 |
$105.00 |
$175.00 |
$19.95 |
71 - 121 minutes |
$70.00 |
$145.00 |
$275.00 |
$19.95 |
Over 121 minutes |
$120.00 |
$195.00 |
$400.00 |
$24.95 |
Over 121 minutes |
$120.00 |
$195.00 |
$400.00 |
$65.00 (selected Series' only) |
Prices are in Australian dollars and inclusive of GST (Goods and Services Tax). The NFSA uses a tiered pricing structure based on the intended primary usage of the program by the customer. If you are uncertain of your category, contact the NFSA for assistance.
How to order
You can place your order directly on the NFSA Online Shop or contact us (see below) for other options. Delivery is generally within 5 working days of receipt of order.
National Film and Sound Archive of Australia (Sydney)
PO Box 397
Pyrmont NSW 2009
Telephone: +61 2 8202 0100