Terms and Conditions

You, the customer, (“You”) agree to be bound by these terms as a condition of items being sold or offered for sale from the Online Shop and as a condition of using the Online Shop.
The NFSA may change these terms and conditions at any time. -
When making an order You must follow all the instructions on and provide all information required by the order form.
All prices, taxes, contact, delivery and order details (such as the number of items), and any other details included on the order form apply to your purchase and must be completed in full.
The NFSA will not be responsible for any errors on your order form. For online orders, an email will be sent confirming your order and receipt of payment. -
The ticket or tax invoice you generate with your transaction is proof of purchase for your event and must be presented at the time of admission. This is not transferable and only one ticket is valid per ticket purchased. Tickets are not to be duplicated for the purpose of falsifying entry. Note that proof of age or concession card may be requested upon entry to event and that the NFSA reserves the right to refuse entry. For large events and functions, the NFSA may ask to check large bags upon entry to Arc Cinema or Theatrette, for reasons of audience safety.
Payment and GST
The sale of all items is subject to availability.
You warrant that You are buying for your own use and not for resale purposes.
All prices are in Australian dollars and include GST if sold in Australia.
Payment of the correct price must be made in full at the time of ordering and before physical delivery of the items can occur.
Prices are subject to change without notice, however you will only pay the price that is advertised for the items at the time you place your order.
Items advertised as 'on-sale' are only available at the reduced price during the sale period. -
Digital delivery
Orders are sent via digital download.
Delivery and delay in delivery
The NFSA, may, at its discretion, deliver an item by installments. Where this occurs, each installment shall be separately subject to these terms and conditions and no default or failure by the NFSA in respect of any one or more installment shall affect your obligation to comply with these terms and conditions. Delay in delivery may occur as a result of unforeseen supply problems or unexpected demand. You will be contacted as soon as possible if delivery is to be delayed and you will be given an opportunity to cancel an order prior to processing. If your order is cancelled the NFSA will refund your payment.
All items are promoted in good faith to be available at the time of ordering. The NFSA may cancel your order if an item is unavailable or if there is an error in the price or description of an item.
Returns, exchanges and refunds
The NFSA will only refund, credit or exchange purchases within 30 days of purchase if the item is defective and where the item is not otherwise covered under a warranty from a manufacturer or other third party. Items eligible for a refund, credit or exchange must be accompanied by a copy of your proof of purchase (i.e. a tax invoice). Requests for a refund or exchange should be sent to sales@nfsa.gov.au. For event ticketing, if the event is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, a full refund will be issued to all patrons, and other refunds are available at the discretion of the National Film and Sound Archive (NFSA).
Intellectual Property
Items sold by the NFSA are protected by copyright law. Use must be in accordance with licence conditions and the uses allowed by the Copyright Act 1968.
Exclusion and limitation of liability
The NFSA disclaims all liability for any loss, damage, injury or other risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a direct or indirect consequence of your use of an item held by or purchased from the Online Shop or from your inability to access the Online Shop. The NFSA also disclaims all liability, loss or risk, which is incurred as a direct or indirect consequence of your failure to abide by a copyright notice, attribution requirement or for any other condition of use specified on or near an item sold by the NFSA and for any infringement of any intellectual property subsisting in any items sold by the NFSA. To the extent permitted by law the NFSA excludes all statutory or implied conditions and warranties and limits the NFSA's liability under any condition or warranty which cannot legally be excluded to re-supplying the item or paying the cost of having it resupplied.
Security and access
The NFSA uses a contracted service provider to process your online credit card payments. Due to the nature of the internet and the fact that your access to the Online Shop involves features outside of the NFSA’s control, the NFSA makes no guarantees that the site hosting the Online Shop will meet your requirements or that it will be uninterrupted, secure or error free. You must bear the risks associated with the use of the internet.
Personal Information
The NFSA and the service provider operating the site for the Online Shop collects your personal information in accordance with the NFSA’s Privacy Policy.
Governing law
These terms and conditions are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Australian Capital Territory.
Comments or concerns
The NFSA welcomes your feedback. You may contact us by telephone +61 2 8202 0100 or email sales@nfsa.gov.au.