Energy Management SERIES


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1994, Total Running Time 177 Minutes

There is enormous energy waste in business, and it is costing millions of dollars every year. Applying efficient energy management techniques can provide financial and environmental benefits for every business.

This series of seven programs illustrates how efficient energy management can improve productivity.

ECONOMIES IN COMBUSTION (16 Mins) Considering how long we’ve been using combustion, it is surprising how many of us continue to mismanage it, wasting fuel and money. This program, presented by Karl Kruszelnicki, gives an introduction to the efficient us of combustion. It guides the viewer through the principles of detecting and correcting inefficiencies in industrial combustion applications.

ECONOMIES IN HEAT RECOVERY (18 Mins) Every time energy is used, one of the results is heat. All of your equipment - your compressors, furnaces, boilers, heaters and just about everything else - is giving off waste heat. Frequently this waste heat can be recovered and put to productive uses, saving both energy and money. This program, presented by Karl Kruszelnicki, examines the principles of heat recovery in industrial applications and factors which should be considered in planning heat recovery systems. It is illustrated with real examples of Australian companies enjoying the benefits of re-using some of their waste heat.

ECONOMIES IN COMPRESSED AIR (16 Mins) The versitility of compressed air makes it a popular and common industrial aid.  However, compressed air is not free! If it is not carefully managed surprisingly large energy losses can result - therefore increasing operating costs. Compressed air systems quite often go wrong by being mismanaged, or simply by not being managed at all. This program, presented by Karl Kruszelnicki, is a step-by-step guide to detection and correcting inefficiencies in industrial compressed air applications. It is illustrated with interviews about real examples in some of Australia’s leading companies.

ECONOMIES IN STEAM (17 Mins) Steam has probably been industry’s most popular form of energy: it is easy to distribute and use. However, in industry, more energy is lost through steam waste than through any other medium. This program, presented by Kark Kruszelnicki, will help you achieve effective industrial steam management. It examines boilers, steam distribution systems and other aspects of steam use, with advice on how to maximise steam efficiency and cost savings.

ECONOMIES IN ELECTRICITY (21 Mins) Electricity is so much a part of our daily lives that we sometimes take it for granted. Such complacency has a price!  Industry uses about 37 per cent of all electricity generated in Australia, and up to 20 per cent of that is wasted through inefficiency. This is costing Australian industry millions of dollars each year. This program, presented by Karl Kruszelnicki, explains how to detect and fix inefficiencies in industrial applications of electricity. As with other videos in this series, it includes an examination of the experiences of energy managers in leading companies.

ECONOMIES IN ELECTRIC MOTORS (17 Mins) Electric motors are important throughout so many industrial applications, but they are often ignored until something goes wrong with them. The problem is that, if they are not looked after properly, they can be operating inefficiently, under loaded conditions, wasting large amounts of energy and money. This program, presented by Karl Kruszelnicki, discusses the advantages of high efficiency motors and the potential benefits of devices such as variable speed drive controllers.

AN ENERGY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (17 Mins) Energy management is about conserving all forms of energy through eliminating waste and improving efficiencies. It’s about saving you money and making your business more competitive. And it’s good for the environment. This program, presented by Karl Kruszelnicki, shows how to get started with an energy management program. It guides the viewer through the steps to detecting and correcting inefficiencies in energy use in the work place.

Amcor Fibre Packaging; Australian Paper Manufacturers; Austin Hospital; Bardsley Hats P/L; BHP Newcastle Steel; Blue Circle Southern Cement Ltd; Buttercup Bakeries; Carlton United Breweries; Comsteel; Email P/L; Eurotherm; Gadsden Rheem; Gascor Consulting International; Hoechst; Holden’s Engine Company; Inframetics; Kelloggs (Aust) P/L; Melbourne Water; Frank Murray; Ogden Industries; Pacific Power; Port Waratah Coal Services Ltd; Sandringham Hospital; SEC Victoria; Sunicrust Bakeries; Tubemakers of Australia Ltd; Vulcan Australia; Woodmill Craft and Education.

CUSTARD GOES GREEN (1994, 17 Mins) An entertaining guide to recognising energy efficient solutions in the office. David Moriarty, Corporate Services Manager at the International Custard Corporation is a very worried man. He is scheduled to present cost cutting initiatives to his Director, but he doesn’t have any ideas!  Dave decided doing away with himself is better than facing the “Director from Hell”. With a gust of wind and a burst of light, Special Angel Doris arrives to save him.  Doris tells a skeptical Dave of her plan to cut costs by reducing energy waste. She takes Dave on a whirlwind tour of the office and forcibly shows him the expensive inefficiencies in the heating and cooling systems, the lighting system, the lift and in general work practices. They present the plan to the Director, who is so impressed she decides to launch an environmentally friendly range of desserts starting with green custard!

INTERNATIONAL CUSTARD (1994, 17 Mins) This is a light-hearted look at a serious issue: how to recognise waste and identify energy efficient solutions in the industrial workplace. Frank McLoon, the embattled production manager at the International Custard Corporation, has been given an ultimatum by his director - cut costs or lay off staff. Zarg, an intergalactic real estate agent, and Boogleshmort, an alien who feeds off waste energy, help Frank stop the lay-offs by a program to improve energy efficiency in the factory.

LEVEL 13 (1996, 21 Mins) This entertaining program highlights the unnecessary impact that an individual can have on the environment if they are careless with their energy consumption.  The Enviro-Warrior shows us how easy it is to be smart about energy use.  Brian has stayed back late at work to play his computer game and is elated when he gets to Level 13 ... but one of the characters, Enviro-Warrior, suddenly materialises and is set to destroy him.  The Enviro-Warrior is out to save the planet and recognises Brian as an environmental polluter.  Brian pleads for his life and bides for more time, asking for details of the damage he is accused of.  Once Brian realises the impact that just one person has on the environment he quickly amends his ways and becomes a hero of the planet. 

Presented by Australian science communicator Karl Kruszelnicki (‘Dr Karl’).

Produced by Film Australia for the Department of Primary Industries and Energy. © 2011 National Film and Sound Archive of Australia.


Directors/Writers: John Armstrong, Darren Reynoldson, Martin Daley

Principal Cast: David Swan (Dave Moriaty, Frank McLoon), Julie Haseler (Special Angel Doris), Gillian Hyde (Margot Rockston), Arky Michael (Zarg Zigglebaum), Anita Thompson (Boogleschmort), Duncan Wass (Energy Management Centre Advisor), Carole Skinner (Factory Worker)

Year: 1994

Total Running Time: 177 Minutes

Classification: Exempt from classification

Curriculum Links: Accounting; Applied Science; Building and Construction; Business Studies; Engineering; Energy Conservation; Energy Efficiency Training; Environmental Studies; Logistics; Project Management.


SKU 199210500
Brand Film Australia

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