Film Australia's Australia: Work


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1988, 60 Minutes

Like sleep, work takes up about one third of our lives. As an integral part of our culture and way of life, it is generally accepted that everyone in society, excepting the very young, the aged and the incapacitated, should work.

In this program, archival footage has been selected to illustrate work in the wider Australian social context. It looks back at Australians’ attitudes to work, the choices available, issues facing the worker and the technologies and methods being used, while emphasising constant change.

© 2011 National Film and Sound Archive of Australia.



Director: Stanley Dalby

Year: 1985

Running Time: 60 Minutes

Classification: Exempt from classification

Curriculum Links: Australian Economic History, Business Studies (Business Management/Industry and Enterprise), Economics, Industrial Relations, SOSE/HSIE, Organisational Management, Work Studies.




SKU 198592801
Brand Film Australia

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