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1964, 38 Minutes
Bored during the summer holidays and escaping the heat, a group of kids (and their joey!) from Cook, on the Nullarbor Plain, discover a limestone cave with a huge underground lake. Meanwhile in town, a detective is called in from Port Augusta to investigate a stolen car and some sinister kangaroo shooters. When the kids discover their tucker and canoe have disappeared, they decide to do some investigating of their own. An Australian black and white short film written and directed by Tim Burstall (Alvin Purple).
An Australian National Film Board Production. Produced for the Australian Council for Children's Films and Television by the Australian Commonwealth Film Unit. © 2011 National Film and Sound Archive of Australia.
Writer/Director: Tim Burstall
Principal Cast: Tom Burstall, Frances Hattam, Marcus Skipper, Ian Williams, Hans Staschik (children), David Mitchell, Vaughan Tracey, John Ford, David Crocker, Betty Burstall, Ron Pinnell, Stewart Weller (adults).
Year: 1964
Running Time: 38 Minutes
Classification: Exempt from classification
Curriculum Links: Australian Cinema; Screen and Cultural Studies.
SKU | 000171500 |
Brand | Film Australia |