Steam Train Passes, A

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1974, 20 Minutes

A trip with a C38 class steam locomotive: the lovingly restored 3801.

Generally regarded as Australia’s finest railway film and winner of many awards the world over, A Steam Train Passes is a nostalgic, imaginative essay on one of the majestic but now retired C38 class steam locomotives. This fine locomotive has been restored at the Newcastle State Dockyard.

The documentary was filmed on one of its final journeys from Sydney to a series of country railway stations in New South Wales.

A Film Australia Production. © 2011 National Film and Sound Archive of Australia.


Director/Writer: David Haythornthwaite

Producer: Anthony Buckley

Cinematographer: Dean Semler

Year: 1974

Running Time: 20 Minutes

Classification: Exempt from classification

Curriculum Links: English NSW Stage 6 'The Way We Worked' - exploring our past through industrial events in Australia; History, Geography and Human Society and its Environment (HSIE).


NFSA YouTube Channel A Steam Train Passes

SKU 002702800
Brand Film Australia

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