Slow Food Revolution


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2003, 52 Minutes

Across the globe, an eco-gastronomic movement known as Slow Food is growing.

Speed - the obsession of the modern world - is determining what people should eat and how. Traditional foods are at risk of disappearing forever. An international eco-gastronomic movement known as Slow Food champions the protection of traditional culture, the environment and biodiversity while encouraging regional production, food education and pleasure. For these passionate and dedicated food lovers, sustainability, community and lifestyle are as important as seasonality, quality and taste.

Slow Food Revolution travels around the globe recording this growing phenomenon. First stop is Italy, home of the Slow Food movement, Bronte pistachios, Sorrento lemons and the original Neapolitan tomato. Here, towns such as Orvieto have been declared slow cities, free of fast food outlets, neon and noise. The film also visits Mexico, where indigenous farming communities have revived ancient ways, cultivating precious vanilla beans and nutritious amaranth.

In Australia, we see increasing interest in Aboriginal knowledge of native “bush tucker” and an expanding school program to reconnect children to the land and its riches. And we are introduced to the Botanical Ark in tropical Queensland, where rare and endangered plants from around the world are grown.

Beautifully photographed, Slow Food Revolution is a celebration of this natural bounty - a seriously sensual journey from earth to table.

A Film Australia National Interest Program in association with CM Film Productions. © 2011 National Film and Sound Archive of Australia.


Director: Carlo Buralli

Narrator: Robyn Johnston

Year: 2003

Running Time: 52 Minutes

Classification: Exempt from classification

Curriculum Links: Cookery; Food Technology; Nutritional Medicine; Home Economics; Hospitality; HPE; Environmental studies; SOSE; Sustainable Agricultural practices; Technologies. Topical issues include biodiversity, genetic engineering and globalisation.


Australian Biography: Bill Mollison

SKU 200101800
Brand Film Australia

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